In November 2018 mail came in from Catherine Kanvik, my first from her. The Add & Pass was sent on after my adds.
Thank you, Catherine!
In November 2018 I received an envelope from Grigori Antonin, a fellow Minnesotan. As I was not familiar with him, I did a quick search on IUOMA-ning. I discovered that Grigori is not a current member there, however I found a number of posts referencing him and his work. Looks like he is a longtime Networker.
I received the following: Thank you Josh Ronsen for the handmade Add & Pass Cut & Paste Zine. Josh is a longtime Networker (since 1995), and APCP Zines are one of a number of his ongoing Mail Art projects. According to Josh's website, when he receives Add & Pass pages , he cuts them up to become pages in his small booklet / zine (approximately 4 7/16 x 2 7/8). I received Vol. 4, No. 12 which features contributions from me and the following Mail Artists: "Eberhard Janke, Borderline Grafix, Colin Scholl, Jon Foster, Don Horta, CZ Lovecraft, Subreal Alchemy Aponte, Mars Tokyo, Connie Jean, William Whorral, Elizabeth LeGrand, Buzz Blurr, Mike Dickau, Brooke Cooks, Ed Glecek, Katerina Nikoltsou, Eduardo Cardeso, and others. " IMHO, these little zines are an awesome idea! An Add & Pass page was included in the envelope, but I failed to take a photo before I passed it on to someone else.
When you get the chance, you should hop over to Josh's website. In addition to being a talented Mail Artist, he is a musician and writer. Lots to read and discover. Thanks much for the great mail, Josh! Michael Goetz (Rockford IL) sent me two add & passes in October 2018:
The a&p with the photographs of vintage things was initiated by me (I sell vintage goods online). Mike Dickau added a couple of items to the front, while Michael Goetz did a drawing on back. I like that he drew a gal based on my 'postal art by jayne' stamp. Another a&p back - frum the desk of Ed Giecek - was also decorated by Michael Goetz. I am sending it home to Ed after I add a few things. Thanks so much, Michael! SCAM CLAMS - similar to Fluxus Bucks, but more clammy! Something new from The Lyons' Den. Currently outgoing to other mail artists. Fluxus Bucks is an artistic project within the Eternal Network. Mail artist, ex posto facto - a.k.a. Julie Jefferies (U.S.A.) started the project in 1994.
A Flux Buck is an artists' banknote which is distributed through the mail system. It makes the rounds to other network artists, who add to it and mail it out again (much like the traditional 'Add & Pass' / 'Add & Send'). Barbargirl (Key West, FL) sent two pieces of mail this past summer.
Barbargirl's mail from June is chock full of stuff - including a colorful, tri-fold card. A pocket (with lots of goodies enclosed) is attached to the inside. I especially like the 'First National Bank of Gotham' one dollar bill! (Originally posted on my blog at IUOMA, April 8, 2018) MomKat's mail to me came a couple of days after I sent one her way. She just informed everyone that she's going on holiday, so she probably won't get my mail until the end of April. Katerina forwarded a few Add & Pass sheets from David Aponte, and included a couple of her pieces of art. Thanks so much!
Back in May and June I received some mail from Ian C. Dengler. I initially became familiar with Ian's ARTISTAMPS on IUOMA. As a longtime philatelist I was quite interested in learning more about these small pieces of art.
At the end of April, I mailed some art to Ian, along with a note filled with a number of questions regarding artistamps. Ian sent a reply - a typed letter with a lot of great advice and insight. I enjoy mail art collaboration, and Add & Pass activities are a fun and easy way to participate. I've received a number of A&P pieces - many of which are so clever. It's neat to be the first artist to change a piece, but just as thrilling to add to one that's been in the hands of several artists before me. I've decided to try my hand at creating a few A&Ps, and here are four: (Originally posted on my blog at IUOMA, March 24, 2018) More EYE-CANDY from Ed Giecek - starting with the envelope, and continuing inside! Ed wrote a kind note, letting me know that I "won first prize for most fantastic envy-lope of the day award!" In grand Giecek-style, there are many Ed-made goodies inside. Love the VW camper! Also includes a Mike Dickau "Add & Pass." Thanks so much, Ed!
AuthorJayne Barket Lyons, Mail Artist and Collector of Stuff. Categories