One of my favorite mail pals, Bonniediva (Gurnee, IL) has sent a few mail art pieces between February and July. I decided to feature this mail here. Bonniediva Mail Art (February 8, 2020) Bonnie gave me a "Loved" collage she made with vintage images. Also received some add and pass materials. Bonniediva Mail Art (May 19, 2020) A couple of add and passes came my way via Gurnee, IL. Bonniediva also sent me another collage made with vintage scrapes. I am happy to report that two zines arrived - BON-ZINE No. 10 (the timely Quaren-zine issue) and a cute CATS ZINE.
Minneapolis Gnome recently sent me an envelope full of nine issues of his publication, "Another Crappy Mini Zine." This is the first ever mail from Gnome, and I will say that he has certainly WOWED me! ![]() Eight issues of "Another Crappy Mini Zine" are eight pages long, and printed on one piece of printer paper. One issue (#2, 2014) is 16 pages in length. (to make your own eight page zine, see diagram at right) The issues I received are printed on either pink or white paper. Six are from 2014, and the other three are dated 2015, 2016 and 2019. The Lyons' Den has been corresponding with a certain Mr. Joey Patrickt since July 2018. At the time I was five months into mail art - a mere cub trying to understand all the ins and outs of the Eternal Network. Up until recently my mail art exchange with Joey P. had consisted of add & pass sheets. I will admit that this naive mail art cub approached (for the most part) outgoing mail like this:
You get the idea. Probably not the best way to handle outgoing mail, but I'd like to think that I've evolved over these months. Thank you Josh Ronsen for the handmade Add & Pass Cut & Paste Zine. Josh is a longtime Networker (since 1995), and APCP Zines are one of a number of his ongoing Mail Art projects. According to Josh's website, when he receives Add & Pass pages , he cuts them up to become pages in his small booklet / zine (approximately 4 7/16 x 2 7/8). I received Vol. 4, No. 12 which features contributions from me and the following Mail Artists: "Eberhard Janke, Borderline Grafix, Colin Scholl, Jon Foster, Don Horta, CZ Lovecraft, Subreal Alchemy Aponte, Mars Tokyo, Connie Jean, William Whorral, Elizabeth LeGrand, Buzz Blurr, Mike Dickau, Brooke Cooks, Ed Glecek, Katerina Nikoltsou, Eduardo Cardeso, and others. " IMHO, these little zines are an awesome idea! An Add & Pass page was included in the envelope, but I failed to take a photo before I passed it on to someone else.
When you get the chance, you should hop over to Josh's website. In addition to being a talented Mail Artist, he is a musician and writer. Lots to read and discover. Thanks much for the great mail, Josh! |
AuthorJayne Barket Lyons, Mail Artist and Collector of Stuff. Categories