Here is an outgoing piece of mail to Ed Giecek. The sixth m-a item I ever mailed, it was sent in March of this year. As you can see, I put a great deal of effort into the envelope art. Not sure what was inside.
Bruce Cassaglia sent me mail from Italy in May. Bruce and I became acquainted on IUOMA early in the year.
Painted fingerprints in various shades are a common theme of this mail art packet. I especially like "Eighteen Red Blood Prints." It appears as though the same digit was used in each of the 18 impressions, yet no two are alike. Back in May and June I received some mail from Ian C. Dengler. I initially became familiar with Ian's ARTISTAMPS on IUOMA. As a longtime philatelist I was quite interested in learning more about these small pieces of art.
At the end of April, I mailed some art to Ian, along with a note filled with a number of questions regarding artistamps. Ian sent a reply - a typed letter with a lot of great advice and insight. Hey...I see spots, spots and MORE SPOTS! Ladybug art has landed in my 'neck of the woods,' all the way from Genova, Italy! This is the first mail art piece from IUOMA friend Lorella Castagnini. It came to The Lyons' Den on May 15, 2018. A vintage retail catalog was the source for most images in this collage postcard. A postage stamp, rubber stamp image, and some doodling finished the piece.
This postcard to Prairie Kitten was the fourth piece of mail art I ever sent out. A pretty simple piece. I think I've grow as an artist since then.
Awesome mail from IUOMA founder, Ruud Janssen arrived in May. This second piece of Mail Art from Mike Parsons was received in May. Mike's art is whimsical, and it makes me smile!
AuthorJayne Barket Lyons, Mail Artist and Collector of Stuff. Categories