Mail art from Judith Dagan (Israel), received May 14, 2019... So thrilled to receive this piece from Judi Dagan. We are both members of the "Asemic Writing for Mail-Artists" group on IUOMA-ning, where Judi shared it with the group in April. When I saw the piece on our group wall, I told Judi that it was awesome. So naturally Judi sent it to me!!
This wonderful post card arrived from Germany on May 2. It is the first piece of mail from Werner Noske, a professional artist and fellow member of IUOMA. The card features a pink and white woodcut print of a bearded man. He appears to be crestfallen.
The artist provides his web address on the back of the post card, so I spent time browsing the site. I discovered that, since the early 1970s, Werner Noske has worked with various forms of visual art: painting (watercolor, acrylic, oil), drawing, printmaking (etching, linoleum & wood) and sculpture. Received April 25, 2019... Here's a one of a kind piece of mail art. It comes from Devin Juarez, Rio Grande City, TX. I was not familiar with the sender's name, but I assumed it was another IUOMA-ning member. A quick search of the site told me I was wrong. A Facebook and Google search followed, but I didn't get any closer to solving the mystery. I found a handful of people with the name Devin Juarez - people of different genders. I recently sent mail to my Devin Juarez, so I hope further communication will enlighten me.
The Lyons' Den has been corresponding with a certain Mr. Joey Patrickt since July 2018. At the time I was five months into mail art - a mere cub trying to understand all the ins and outs of the Eternal Network. Up until recently my mail art exchange with Joey P. had consisted of add & pass sheets. I will admit that this naive mail art cub approached (for the most part) outgoing mail like this:
You get the idea. Probably not the best way to handle outgoing mail, but I'd like to think that I've evolved over these months. Originally posted on Facebook, February 9, 2019. The Lyons’ Den received mail from Sabela Baña, IUOMA (Spain). A post card with original artwork (flowering plant) is terrific! Backside of the post card is stamped with Sabela’s name and address. To me she writes: “Saludos Desde Espana,” (Greetings From Spain).
Thanks for the awesome mail, Sabela! |
AuthorJayne Barket Lyons, Mail Artist and Collector of Stuff. Categories